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The future of work

The future of work

We were delighted to have careers expert Ciara Garvan as host of a virtual event on The Future of Work. The Future of Work as a topic has accelerated due to the pandemic. Hot themes such as remote working and flexible working are no longer trending but realities we...

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Musgrave: adapting in a crisis

Musgrave: adapting in a crisis

The Association was delighted to have David Codd, Group Transformation Director at Musgrave, as our speaker for a webinar in July. The Covid-19 crisis has brought the importance of food retailers in our lives to the fore like never before, and none more so than...

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Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

Most Diversity and Inclusion initiatives are developed to comply with corporate governance and self-regulation (often under the heading “Corporate Social Responsibility” or CSR). But most fail to move the needle and are just a box check. At a webinar in June, expert...

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Pensions webinar with Moneycube

Pensions webinar with Moneycube

The Association was delighted to host a webinar with Ralph Benson and Feargal McKenna of pensions adviser Moneycube on trends in the pensions market and what "auto-enrolment" - where an employee worker will be automatically enrolled in a pension scheme when starting a...

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Unlocking the science of behaviour

Unlocking the science of behaviour

From Tesco to Fidelity, three ways in which businesses are harnessing the power of behavioural science for business. By Jez Groom and April Vellacott. If you heard that there was a simple way to double your assets under management, would you try it? What if there was...

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Site visit: Waterford Distillery

Site visit: Waterford Distillery

The MBAAI South East Chapter, in collaboration with the WIT Graduate Business School, recently hosted a visit to the Waterford Distillery facility located at the converted former Guinness Brewery building. Head Distiller Ned Gahan facilitated the group on the day....

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Career Readiness at UL

Career Readiness at UL

The MBAAI Mid-West chapter recently hosted an event at the University of Limerick on career progression with John Fitzgerald, Managing Director of Harmonics Ireland. The 4th Industrial revolution is disrupting traditional approaches to how we build and grow a 50-year...

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Opportunity in a crisis – a new view of presenteeism

Opportunity in a crisis – a new view of presenteeism

Opinions on working from home and antiquated perceptions of presenteeism could finally be changing as a result of coronavirus, says leadership expert, equality campaigner and author Hira Alie Being absent or working from home is traditionally associated with laziness....

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Key challenges and uncertainties for women

Key challenges and uncertainties for women

The authors of a recent book explore how business and society can adjust to ensure a more positive future for women. By Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells, Alexandra Whittington, April Koury, and Helena Calle of Fast Future In the last 12 to 18 months, the issue of ensuring a...

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The missing link in Innovation

The missing link in Innovation

It is not what you know, its is who you can get to know and how you can leverage your advantages that determines whether you succeed in your innovation efforts, according to the authors of Innovation Capital. Many of those involved in innovation fail to win the...

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